Saturday, February 11, 2012

Thanks to all of you for continued prayers.  The past few weeks have gone quickly . . . feels pretty normal around here!  

Ethan has felt well and so hasn't had to go in for interim blood work.  His next admission is this Thursday, Feb. 9th, for high-dose methotrexate.  He'll be in about 5 days, then readmitted on the 16th for another round of the same.  After that, he'll have some time off from chemo.  

His surgery to resect the tumor and reconstruct his leg now has been scheduled:  March 21.  Pray that he doesn't get ill around that date, b/c he can't undergo anesthesia if he has a cold or anything.

I'm eager to be moving forward . . . thankful for an answer to prayer that Ethan will be able to take SATs on March 10th without being on anti-nausea meds or pain meds (no small task to have that date work out . . . between chemo and surgery . . . the next possible date would be in May and there is little likelihood it would have worked around his chemo admissions).  He's just finishing Algebra 2, so that's perfect!!! :)

We so appreciate the ongoing encouragement from all of you, as well as the support of Ethan's friends . . . they have been awesome!

Update:  Ethan's blood work was good enough for his next round of chemo, so we are comfortably settled into room  7253!  Likely discharge Monday or Tuesday.

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